Pixelated Factory

Work Samples

Best Recipes Ever Screenshot

Best Recipes Ever

Python, Django, Pandas, HTML, CSS, JS

A simple, intuitive recipe app built with Django and hosted with Heroku. Plugged into a SQL database, works right in the browser. Create and save the best recipes to your heart's content.

See the project on GitHub App Demo →
Nofomo App Screenshot


ReactJS, HTML, JS, CSS, Google Calendar API

"FOMO" is the fear of missing out. The Nofomo app displays CareerFoundry full-stack events from around the world using the Google Calendar API — in a colorful format, no less.

See the project on GitHub App Demo →
Date Night Movies Screenshot

Date Night Movies

Node.js, ReactJS, MongoDB, HTML, JS, CSS, JSX, SCSS

Date Night Movies is a NetFlix knockoff which involved many separate efforts. First, a Node.js backend API hosted on Heroku. Second, a Mongo database of movies and users. And third, a client-side hosted on Netlify. NOTE! on the log in screen, use "username" and "password" (or you'll need to create an account).

See the project on GitHub App Demo →
Pokedexterity Screenshot


HTML, JS, CSS, Pokedex API

This is a Pokedex app that fetches from a Pokedex API and displays each Pokemon in a simple "list of tiles" format.

See the project on GitHub App Demo →
Word Shimmy Screenshot

Word Shimmy

HTML, Pure Vanilla JS, CSS

Word Shimmy is super fun and original... it's not like "Wordle" at all 😳. This was a challenge to myself to use only pure JavaScript, and to make a game that's actually fun.

See the project on GitHub App Demo →
Best Facts Ever Screenshot

Best Facts Ever


BFE is a simple, straight-forward fact app. This project is meant to be a foundation for future slideshow-like apps. Each Slide, loads from a giant "facts" JS object.

See the project on GitHub App Demo →
Portfolio Website Screenshot

Portfolio Website


Here is the GitHub repository for this very website! Hopefully end-users will find the hidden JavaScript functionality of clicking the slogan and the "code word" on the homepage.

See the project on GitHub
Scooby To Dooby Screenshot

Scooby To-Dooby


This is a super simple to-do list app made with JQuery.

See the project on GitHub App Demo →
Action Button Screenshot

Action Button


This is a super simple little GUI made with Auto Hot Key. It's intended to perform one coded action on a Windows computer for a certain number of repetitions (thereby preventing input related carpal tunnel syndrome).

See the project on GitHub
Legends of Francis Peterson Screenshot

Legends of Francis Peterson


Francis Peterson is an inside joke about an imaginary steam-boat pirate chef. This is his quirky adventure dialog game. It may be buggy on iOS. Fun Fact: iOS does NOT allow you to trigger mobile vibration from the browser.

See the project on GitHub App Demo →